Type-safe |
pipe operator in Python
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During a pair programming we found out it is pretty easy to implement the |
operator in Python. In the previous post, I implemented a function that can transform an input value using a sequence of functions. Using operator overriding, we can do the same using a fancy pipe operator syntax.
With the current implementation I have, I can do something like this.
add_1: Fn[int, int] = lambda x: x + 1
multiply_by: Fn[int, Fn[int, int]] = lambda y: lambda x: x * y
# + assume all the replicate, fmap and flatten exist in the module A
result = (
| A.replicate(3)
| A.fmap(add_1)
| A.replicate(2)
| A.flatten
| A.fmap(multiply_by(2))
| end_pipe
assert result == [4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4]
The function start_pipe
converts a value of type A
to a wrapper object Pipeable[A]
. The trick is to override __or__
method on the object and expect a fn: Fn[A, B]
as an input argument. Every invocation of the pipeable | fn
expression than creates a new Pipeable
The result of p(a) | fn1 | fn2 | fn3 ...
is always Pipeable
. To actually evaluate the pipeable object, I introduced a secret class _EndPipe
and a single instance end_pipe: _EndPipe
. In the implementation of the __or__
method I only need to check whether the instance of _EndPipe
has been provided and if so the pipeable is evaluated instead and the result is returned. I created overloads for the __or__
method to make it type-check and that's it!
from __future__ import annotations
from functools import reduce
from typing import Any, Generic, TypeGuard, TypeVar, cast, overload
from dogs.function import Fn
A = TypeVar("A")
B = TypeVar("B")
class _EndPipe:
end_pipe = _EndPipe()
class Pipeable(Generic[A]):
def __init__(self, a: A) -> None:
self._a = a
self._fns: list[Fn[Any, Any]] = []
def __with_new_fn(self, fn: Fn[A, B]) -> Pipeable[B]:
new_pipeable = Pipeable(self._a)
new_pipeable._fns = self._fns
return cast(Pipeable[B], new_pipeable)
def __is_end_pipe(symbol: Any) -> TypeGuard[_EndPipe]:
return isinstance(symbol, _EndPipe)
def __or__(self, fn: Fn[A, B]) -> Pipeable[B]:
def __or__(self, fn: _EndPipe) -> A:
def __or__(self, fn: Fn[A, B] | _EndPipe) -> Pipeable[B] | A:
if self.__is_end_pipe(fn):
return self.eval()
return self.__with_new_fn(cast(Fn[A, B], fn))
def eval(self) -> A:
return reduce(lambda acc, fn: fn(acc), self._fns, self._a)
def start_pipe(a: A) -> Pipeable[A]:
return Pipeable(a)